Abstract:Under the model of industry-education integration, exploring an effective path to protect thelegitimate rights and interests of the mixed-ownership school-running entities is the top priority to achieve the leapfrogdevelopment of vocational education. In the newly revised ‘‘Vocational Education Law’’, it explicitly proposes adhereto the integration of industry and education, and it gives enterprises and other entities the legal status to participate inrunning vocational schools. The main entities of the mixed-ownership system of vocational education cover publicvocational schools, private vocational schools, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, mass organizations, etc.At present, there are a series of problems in the protection of the rights and interests of the entities of the mixedownershipsystem of vocational education, including the poor circulation of property rights, the unclear attributionof decision-making power, and the unequal distribution of profits and so on. Only by perfecting the local vocationaleducation policies, improving internal governance institutions, clarifying the content of rights and interests protection,and establishing channels for supervision and relief can the sustainable development of mixed-ownership schools invocational education under the integrated model of industry-education integration be guaranteed.